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So Far in 2019:

2019 started in 2018 with an epic fall ski-touring season in Montana, meaning I was a lucky girl who didn’t take any breaks from skiing between my Chilean season and my 2019 Montana season. 

The 2019 season was full of great opportunities, goals and achievements. I was featured in several video edits, spoke at women of winter and toured the country for the Warren Miller movie premieres. 

This winter I also participated in several certifications to continue to expand my experience and resume including: 

  • PSIA Telemark III

  • PSIA Freestyle II 

  • PSIA Freestyle Examiner 

  • EMT 


And participated in several training and hiring events, pushing myself to reach new goals I never thought I would attempt, including: 

  • Getting hired as a Freestyle Examiner 

  • Participating in Alpine Hiring 

  • Participating in Demo Team Selections 

  • And National Academy 

Spring time was spent in Switzerland with a week long epic ski tour in the Berner Oberland (photos above). As if that was not enough skiing for this crazy season I took two short weeks off of snow before heading to Cardrona New Zealand (photos below). In New Zealand I had the amazing opportunity to coach some extremely talented freeride and park athletes, as well as train my butt off to continue to pursue my skiing goals, I even got to compete and podium with a second at the Mnt. Olympus FWQ. My next ski goals include:

  • Trying out for PSIA’s national demo team.

  • Getting hired as and Alpine and Telemark examiner 

  • Continued film and photo shoots.

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