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2017 Season Recap 

A Tribute To Years of Competition 

2017 was not a typical year for me but it was a great one! I was featured in Powder Magazine, participated in several film and photo shoots and became internationally and fully PSIA certified! 

 After some serious contemplation I say good bye to competition. Although this is a bitter sweet change in my life, I am excited to continue my new found path in the ski industry. 


I have been on the pro stage for the last 5 years but I have competed for the last 12. I started on the junior tour before that was even a thing. I squeezed in with the adults. Me along with a few other eager youngsters were the opening act for some of the best at the world's oldest extreme events. After years of, what to me was always serious, competition this year was a complete change. I still competed but my focus and motivation were on other things. 

I am proud to announce that after a season of working and training with the Yellow Stone Club I passed my PSIA level 3 certification and am now internationally and fully certified. I was also able to participate in several film and photo shoots. All of this was topped off with an awesome feature in Powder Magazine

Although, I will always be a competitor at heart I am saying good bye to competition. I now have the opportunity to invest my energy in this new found momentum and motivation. 

I want to thank everyone who has been a key to my competitive and professional success. I will continue to represent my supporters while working at the Yellow Stone Club, continuing shoots, and participating in PSIA. These diverse avenues make up a large part of the ski industry and are an exciting approach to a new and big presence in the ski world.

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